BOOK REVIEW AND GIVEAWAY: The Divine Adventure by Rebecca Friedlander

Most spiritual development books I’ve read take a matter-of-fact approach and read more like a staunch “how to” than an engaging novel. The Divine Adventure is different! 

Pulling teachable moments from her own experiences, Rebecca embellishes the scene, drawing us in as she seamlessly weaves in Biblical truth amid the beauty of her prose. 



“When our hearts are truly after God, we discover that His intentions are kind: He equips, listens, understands, and will never leave us alone. He’s a good Father who has no orphans — He loves to help His children.”



Each of the 12 spiritual practices focuses on spiritual traits necessary for a fruitful relationship with God. These are key areas of our spiritual lives that can get muddied or off track. The one that spoke the most to me is Pilgrimage: The Lost Art of Adventuring with God. Rebecca says, “Going on a pilgrimage moves us from our normal. Distractions disperse, and suddenly our focus is completely on God.” Other chapters include: Saying Yes, The Quiet Place, Search the Scriptures, Community, Forgiveness, Obedience, Meekness, Sacred Rest, Giving, Fasting, and Worship.

At the end of each chapter, there is a “Your Turn” section and a “Spiritual Practice” section so you can delve deep into a meaningful conversation for your own life. I’ve found her insights and tips to be thought-provoking and practical.



Rebecca Friedlander has been in full-time ministry for nineteen years, ministering locally and internationally using creative arts and music. She is a film producer and author. She has written more than ten books and runs a nonprofit ministry committed to worship and the creative arts. You can learn more about Rebecca from her website: www.


Comment below for a chance to win a free copy of The Divine Adventure: Spiritual Practices for a Modern-Day Disciple


Comment about the topic or simply type, “I’m in!” in the comments.

One commenter’s name will be drawn at random Wednesday morning, July 21st, and announced on the Zac and Susan Show. 



Susan E. Greenwood is a wife, a mother, and a mother-in-law :D. She has over 28 years of experience in youth and children’s ministries. Susan loves to write blogs, articles, devotionals, and curriculum. She has blogged for, and authors Mary Demuth, Lynn Cowell, and Ruth Schwenk. Susan writes regularly for Her passion is to help people live their Life In Stride with the Word of God.

  • Susan E. Greenwood
    Posted at 10:14h, 21 July

    Congratulations Teri!! Email your address to [email protected], and we will mail your book to you. 😀

  • Teri Hockman
    Posted at 09:18h, 16 July

    Sounds like a very good book.

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