Spiritual growth Tag

Most spiritual development books I've read take a matter-of-fact approach and read more like a staunch "how to" than an engaging novel. The Divine Adventure is different!  Pulling teachable moments from her own experiences, Rebecca embellishes the scene, drawing us in as she seamlessly weaves in Biblical truth amid the beauty of her prose.    FAVORITE QUOTE:  "When our hearts are truly after God, we discover that His intentions are kind: He equips, listens, understands, and will never leave us alone. He's a good Father who has no orphans -- He loves to help His children."   ABOUT THE BOOK:  Each of the 12 spiritual practices focuses on spiritual traits necessary for a fruitful relationship with God. These are key areas of our spiritual lives that can get muddied or off track. The one that spoke the most to me is Pilgrimage: The Lost Art of Adventuring with God. Rebecca says, "Going on a pilgrimage moves us...

An Important Message from Derek WithrowRead
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