Prayer Wall

Below you can submit a prayer request and our team of prayer warriors, and listeners who are passionate about others, will make sure to lift you up in prayer! Every prayer request that is submitted will be seen and prayed for by our team, even if you choose for it not to appear on the prayer wall.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.


Please pray for the Aloi family. The father, Sam, was in a horrible car accident with the youngest son, Daniel (11) in Pennsylvania several weeks ago. Sam suffered a shattered pelvis as well as several other non-life threatening injuries. Daniel suffered critical head injury and has lost 1/4 to 1/3 of his skull. He had bone fragments very close to his optic nerves. It was touch and go for some time...but he can see, and after weeks of being unable to talk, he is beginning to talk.

While recovering, he's had a stroke, and lost the use of his left side for a while...he is regaining abilities, but still unable to move his left arm, though he can move his leg.

Received: September 8, 2019

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