Prayer Wall

Below you can submit a prayer request and our team of prayer warriors, and listeners who are passionate about others, will make sure to lift you up in prayer! Every prayer request that is submitted will be seen and prayed for by our team, even if you choose for it not to appear on the prayer wall.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 14 times.


Please pray for the miraculous healing of a friend who has suffered an injury at a vital point in his career! I have promised prayer and healing, but he's yet to recover when his team badly needs him. Pray that God would mightily intervene and show His power and mercy in this situation, please. May all witness His provisions for this team which is facing many disadvantages right now. They are being targeted, neglected, and rejected by unmerciful people. My friends greatly need God's favour! Thank you.

Received: September 3, 2019

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