Thank you for your interest in posting your event to the Walk FM Community Calendar!
Here are a few guidelines for posting an event:
Thank you for your interested in posting your event to the Walk FM Community Calendar! To submit your event, please complete the following form. Fields with an * must be provided. If you have a website, please enter the full URL address including http/https. Allow 2 weeks prior to the date of your event for posting to the calendar.
If you need to edit or delete your event after it is submitted, please go to the “Submit Events” page and click on the “My Events” button. After your event is edited it will need to be moderated before it will appear on the calendar.
If you have any questions please call the Walk FM Offices at 877-456-9361 (Monday-Friday 8:30am-5pm)
An event every week that begins at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, repeating until April 18, 2023
The divorce care support group is a thirteen week program covering all aspects of divorce. Each week is a new topic with a DVD presentation, workbook, and group discussion. Please contact Melanie Whited group facilitator at (304) 834-8637