February 2021

Did you know that nothing can take space in your head or heart unless you let it?  For something to take root and have influence, you have to surrender to it and permit it to take authority.  I have to remind myself of this often because I love to shift blame and pretend I have no choice — I’m helpless to the power of something. Sounds stupid, right?  I’m starting to realize that this victim mentality I’ve become comfortable with is really telling of a deeper issue — I’m not surrendering to the Lordship of Christ.  In failing to do so, I submit myself to every emotion while claiming to be a victim. It’s ridiculous. I must stop giving power to the unhealthy things that want to take control in my life.   It’s like God told Cain, “If you do well, will you not be accepted. And if you do not do well, sin lies at...

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