28 Apr What’s Your Answer?
The question asked was, “What’s missing from today’s Christian culture?”
No one answered.
I’m not sure if it’s because none of us had an answer, or we were just afraid to say it.
How would you answer this question?
I would say that we’re missing some, “Do unto others” and “love thy neighbor,” and “least of these” kinda sacrificial love in our Christian Culture.
I know I am.
I struggle to want to show Christ-honoring love — often.
It takes time and effort.
It’s inconvenient and messy.
It’s uncomfortable…
But true sacrificial love is essential to the body of Christ and for our personal spiritual health.
Without love, our identity is in ourselves instead of Christ.
Our good deeds are noise.
Our efforts are vanity.
If we want to change the culture around us, we must love others sacrificially — like Jesus.
Not for a social statement or to feel better about ourselves. But because Jesus Christ is the answer to every question.
His love is our gift.
It’s unconditional.
It’s for everyone.
So let’s love abundantly and sacrificially like Christ.
“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.”
John 15:12
Susan E. Greenwood is a wife, a mother, and a mother-in-law :D. She has over 28 years experience in youth and children’s ministries. Susan loves to write blogs, articles, devotionals, and curriculum. She has blogged for bible.org, and authors Mary Demuth, Lynn Cowell and Ruth Schwenk. Susan writes regularly for skitguys.com. Her passion is to help people live their Life In Stride with the Word of God.
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