pray Tag

He who kneels before God can stand before anyone.   If you haven't read the book of Esther, I encourage you to do so.  First, because it's in the Bible and reading the Bible is highly encouraged.  Second, because some cool twists come into play, that makes this story super interesting.  I don't want to give anything away, but I want to mention a noteworthy part. A part that particularly hit home for me. It's kind of a promise tagged in with a slap in the face reality check. Here is goes: God's faithfulness is never in question.  Our obedience is.  See what I mean? GOD. IS. ALWAYS. FAITHFUL. But, how often is my obedience in questions?  How often do I fail to trust God?  How often am I unwilling to step out of my own agenda to fulfill His purpose?  -- more than I care to admit. But, this is where Esther excelled!  God placed her in a position for a purpose, and she had...

It's back to school time, and if you are like most families right now, you are not at peace. Every decision has a downside, and nothing feels exactly right. So, how can you put your child at ease when you are uneasy yourself? Here are four things you can do to help ease your child’s anxiety (and yours): Pray with Them I know this is a given, but if you’re like me, you need to be reminded that prayer is powerful. I need this reminder daily. I am bad for praying and worrying instead of praying and trusting. Pray with your child each morning and invite them to pray with you. Encourage them to voice their concern to the Lord and then encourage them to tell God something they are thankful for. Following a fear with a praise will leave your child focusing on the positive God provided in their life and will get them...

An Important Message from Derek WithrowRead
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