09 Jun Just Show Up
I met a dear friend at a writer's conference a few years back. She was a free spirit and such an inspiration to my very locked down spirit. I was envious of her ability to just relax and enjoy. She made public speaking look so easy and effortless. She was a natural. As I toiled and prayed and worried and over-prepared for my presentation, Angie kept saying, "I'm just showin' up!" And she did. She knocked it out of the park and even enjoyed her time on the stage. Me? I did it, but there was no enjoyment on my part. I fretted my way through. Thankfully, God worked in both situations for a great outcome, but I would much rather have enjoyed the experience as Angie did. "Just show up." Such great advice! If you're like me, you suffer from the need to plan and maybe even over plan. No matter what it...