Rhonda Lee

Rhonda Lee created a small food pantry in her basement to help those in need during the pandemic.

Rhonda says she has strived to find ways to give back to the community after others helped her when she lost everything in a flash flood in 1995.

Listen to our Community Matters interview with Ronda Lee:


“Prior to the pandemic I was donating to the blessings boxes and feeling good about helping. Then I saw that, as wonderful as the blessings boxes are, there was so much more need than they could address so I started my pantry. In the last year we have been blessed to have helped HUNDREDS (that still blows my mind!) of local families that were struggling and we are still going strong. We have families reach out nearly daily and, since we do this out of our home, we are almost always available to help. I know that if I were food insecure, I wouldn’t want to be in a position to have to wait a few days for a food pantry to be open so I feel blessed that we can help people pretty quickly.” Rhonda (Facebook)


To connect with Rhonda, message her on Facebook.

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