ReBUILD Huntington

ReBUILD Huntington

ReBUILD Huntington

“Sometimes, you have to give people the help where they are and not wait till they get to where you think they should be.”

Our goal at ReBUILD is to build relationships with the people in the neighborhood. Through that relationship, we can tell them about the love that Jesus has for them! NO MATTER WHAT!

Our mission statement is simple “Love Like Jesus.” We do this by hosting neighborhood events like cookouts, movie nights, Thanksgiving dinners, etc. In doing these, we hope to become friends with our neighbors and live in community with them.


B-build relationships
U-unify the community
I-instill values
L-love like Jesus
D-disciple people

Listen to Paul and Renee Law’s Interview about ReBUILD: 


You can connect with ReBUILD on social media through their Facebook page

Community Matters

We love to partner with local ministries to highlight what they do to offer hope and share the Gospel. If you are interested in being featured, please fill out the form below. Thank you!


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