Be a Radio

We have so many methods for music and news that we don’t rely on radios anymore. At least not the “boombox” type we used to carry around in the ’80s. Yes, I am boombox old, lol.

But God…

God used a well-placed boombox to call a man named Ronnie out of the darkness of addiction and remind him that he is still valued, he is still loved, and He is not forgotten.


Here’s Ronnie’s story:

In October of last year, I found myself in treatment to try and get back on my feet and bring God back into my life. He never left me; I left Him.

By November, I was in a treatment facility in Ashland, Ky. I was seeking Christ back in my life. Sometimes it’s hard to do that in those settings, but I knew God heard my prayers and would see me through my addiction. Just like the prodigal son, He would welcome me back home. I lost everything, my fiancé, my kids, EVERYTHING! I was tired, and I was just broken.

But entering that treatment facility for Addiction Recovery Care in Ashland, Ky, there was a little beat-up radio in my room I found. And just like I said, God never failed, He gave me that beat-up radio and found Walk Fm on it, and your station never went off for the 30 some odd days I was there.

I listened day and night, and it gave me the hope and peace in my life that I needed at that time and need every day of my life. I really can’t explain how much this station helped me thru the roughest time of my life.

I had three other roommates as well. Some were believers, and others were not, but by playing your station every minute of every day, I started noticing them singing some of the songs played and picking their Bibles up more.

Today I have almost five months of recovery time and everything that I lost during that dark time in my life; I now have it all back plus more.

That’s what HE does for us. He restores us, and He always provides.

And, by giving me that small beat-up radio on Nov 2, 2020, He knew that I needed to hear the songs that provided hope in my life.


I am so thankful that Ronnie shared his story with us. What a great reminder that God can and will use anything to call us to Himself.

Maybe you feel lost and wonder if God cares — yes He does! Look around for evidence of Him. Maybe it’s in something or someone you never considered, but has brought you comfort, hope, or peace in a difficult time.

Maybe you feel ineffective in your walk with the Lord. Be like that radio. Be present. Be consistent. Be ready to deliver truth in the way God created you to do. Stay plugged into Him through Bible study and prayer and be ready. He’s not finished with you yet. 


“For you were continually straying like sheep, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Guardian of your souls.”

1 Peter 2:25

“But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Romans 5:8



Susan E. Greenwood is a wife, a mother, and a mother-in-law :D. She has over 28 years experience in youth and children’s ministries. Susan loves to write blogs, articles, devotionals, and curriculum. She has blogged for, and authors Mary Demuth, Lynn Cowell and Ruth Schwenk. Susan writes regularly for Her passion is to help people live their Life In Stride with the Word of God.

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