October is Clergy Appreciation Month and Clergy Appreciation Day is officially the Second Sunday in October. Here are WalkFM’s ideas on how you can show your love and appreciation:
1. Invite Your Pastor To Your Backyard For A Meal
Plan a small group potluck or BBQ. Keep it simple. Keep it relaxed. Enjoy each other’s company in a natural, safe outdoor setting.
2. Shower Them with Simple Gifts
Gift cards for coffee and restaurants are always appreciated, but so are cards for free carwashes or how about this? Free dry-cleaning! Do you know their hobbies or pastimes? If not, find out and help with supplies.
3. Share Your Season Tickets
Chances are good that someone in the congregation has season tickets to a sporting event, concert or community theater that your pastor would love to attend!
4. Ask If You Can Pray for Them
Our ministers are always praying for others, but how many of us pray for them? Call, email, text or just ask to find out their prayer needs. Then, follow through and let them know that you really did pray! You can also write your prayer out and send it to them. What a great way to encourage one of God’s laborers!
5. Celebrate the Pastor’s Spouse
Chances are that your pastor feels like their spouse is not appreciated for the many ways they also serve your congregation. By honoring them, you are also honoring your pastor.
6. Offer Your Vacation Home or Time Share
We don’t all have second homes or time share weeks at the beach or mountains, but maybe someone in your congregation does. If you don’t have that available, get everyone to pitch in and pay for a weekend away.
7. Write a Personal Thank You Letter
A pastor’s mail is usually full of negativity. Get everyone to write sincere, heartfelt notes of appreciation and gratitude and you will warm your pastor’s heart. Pastors receive plenty of negativity from the congregation who are unhappy.
8. Make a Video for Social Media
Get with your friends and fellow church members, shoot a simple video thanking the pastor, post it on Facebook, Instagram, the church’s website. Public recognition for a job well done is always appropriate.
9. Offer Your Professional Skills
Are you a trainer, coach, teacher, or accountant? Offer your skills at no charge to your pastor. This idea can work for cleaning services, lawn care, auto repair and so much more. You can also extend it to provide free lessons to their kids.
10. Date Night for the Pastor
You know how tough it is for you to prioritize a romantic evening out with your spouse, imagine being a pastor! Work with your fellow church members to pay for the meal, provide childcare and make sure everything is in place so your pastor and their spouse can enjoy one another’s company.
11. Drop Off a Homemade Meal or Dessert
When you take the time to make something homemade, you are helping your pastor feel loved and connected. Make sure they’re home and surprise them on their doorstep, or just leave it at the church office.
12. Make up Cool “Thank You” Shirts for the Whole Crew!
Imagine a Sunday where everyone at church wore the same shirt that said “Thanks, Pastor” Include their face and name in the design, if you can.